What HTML tags are supported in description fields?

Modified on Thu, 26 Jan, 2023 at 5:03 PM

We are supporting the following tags in description fields: 

<em>  </em>

<strong>  </strong>

<sup>   </sup>

<sub>  </sub>

<u>  </u>

<hr />

<br />

<p>  </p>

<a href...>  </a>


All links must 

  • start with https:// 
  • include target='_blank'rel='external'

For example:

<a href='https://www.mycompany.com/folder/some.html' target='_blank' rel='external'>

These tags can be used in session descriptions, speaker descriptions, exhibitor descriptions, and attendee list descriptions, as well as abstracts.

For example, if you like to bold text, do the following in your CSV or Google Sheet:

This session requires <strong>registration</strong>.

It will appear like this in the app:

This session requires registration.

Using Characters Reserved in HTML 

If including HTML markup in your abstract content, please ensure to use HTML entities for reserved HTML characters such as less than ( < ) or greater than ( > ) signs between HTML tags. Otherwise the webview in the app will mix these characters with HTML tags.

For more information on HTML entities visit http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_entities.asp


<p> Subjects < 6 years old unable to read.</p>

Should be written as: 

<p> Subjects &#60; 6 years old unable to read.</p>

Adding Google Maps Direction Links

Follow the instructions in this article on creating Google Maps links for directions to a particular address from the user's current location.