How do I invite speakers to upload content? (How do I use the Speaker Portal?)
How can I upload a file for a speaker on their behalf in the speaker portal? How can I visit a speaker's portal page? How do I add Speaker Portal Admins?
How do I import and link the uploaded content from the speaker portal? (virtual poster media import)
Are there color limitations or recommendations for map or floor plan images?
I don't remember my due dates for my project, is there some place I can go to and easily find the milestone dates?
Do you have examples of custom home screens? How do they differ from a banner based home screen?
Video Tutorial - Now Screen, Ad and Map Images
Video Tutorial - Using Data Imports
Video Tutorial - Adding Media (handouts, links, PDFs, presentation slides, etc.)
How do I import data? From a spreadsheet? What is an associative import? (associated data)
What is Field Mapping? How do I data map my import sources? Content is showing in the wrong place?
Which fields can I map for associated data import?
How do I replace a worksheet with new data?
How do I get a CSV file link from a Google Spreadsheet?
How do I bring over formatting from Google Sheets?
How do I automatically link or associate PDFs, images (speaker photos or exhibitor logos), or PowerPoint files (as .pdf) to sessions, speakers, or exhibitors?
I received a new version of a PDF with the same file name. How do I force the app to re-download the PDF if it has been cached already?
How are media items sorted / ordered in a detail view? Can I control the media order?
Virtual Sessions in EventPilot (4)
Turn your onsite meeting into a virtual conference
How do I add links for recorded sessions and presentations to the platform?
How do I configure my Vimeo account settings for content uploads?
At what point in the recording does playback start when I click View Recording?
Why do I need a host for my virtual sessions?
How do I add live virtual sessions or webinars to my app? (tag sessions with Filter4 Keywords)
How do I set up my Zoom account to work with EventPilot Virtual Sessions? (Zoom Settings / Group Management)
What authentication options are available with the EventPilot platform? (How could attendees log in?)
How do I set up an Attendee List for authentication?
How do I integrate with CDS registration to set up authentication (app login)?
How do I link to a specific session, speaker, exhibitor, or abstract in the Online Planner?
How do I integrate the Online Planner with my website?
How do I link to a specific tab in the Online Planner?
Where do public chat comments on sessions or exhibitors, or in custom chats appear?
How do I moderate the Activity Feed? How can I remove inappropriate comments or X-Posts (Twitter)? Can attendees flag comments for removal? Can I block users? (Chat Moderation)
How do I block a user from submitting comments or messaging others / spamming? (Moderation)
What are some Virtual Tote Bag set up options?
Which font does the app use?
How do I add a curated itinerary / co-pilots?
How do I try out Peer Finder / attendee messaging / one-on-one chat?
Can attendees list areas of interest in the user profile displayed in the attendee list? (Attendee Portal)
Attendee Engagement: What is the difference between Networking, Attendee List, and Peer Finder?
How do session ratings work? (5 star rating)
How is the Session Status Widget set up? (EventPilot Pro Add-On)
How does the Rotating Advertisement Banner Widget work?
PosterBridge by ATIV (1)
Connect attendees with poster presenters to further the research
General FAQ (4)
For planners and attendees
Which device operating systems (OS versions), devices, and browsers are supported? (System Requirements)
How do I find my iOS device UDID?
Which poll and survey tools do you recommend for Audience Response?
What are the basic deliverables to get started with my project?
Where can I see a feature overview of the app?
How can I use the app to generate sponsor revenue?