Video Tutorial - Associative Data Import (associated media, keywords,...)

Modified on Wed, 27 Dec, 2023 at 5:59 PM

Use the associative data import to add keywords, speaker photos, or media items to existing content that you imported from other sources. 

How to Associate Media Items

  1. First import or create the media items in the Conference App Builder > Media 
  2. Then set up an import source
    1. In Step 1 of the import setup > open the Advanced section and toggle Associative Data. 
    2. Import a table with only two columns: the first column with the session ID (this column must be unique) and the second column with the media ID (if multiple, comma separate them and use double quotes for the cell content). 

Example CSV: 

Session ID,Media ID



In the Google sheet, your table would look like this: 

Session IDMedia ID

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