How do I embargo my media items? (Start date for abstract)

Modified on Tue, 7 Feb, 2023 at 4:20 PM

Media items like abstracts can be embargoed, meaning, you can limit when the link is available to your average user. This feature is only available when you import your data. The data table (CSV file, Google spreadsheet, or import from a third party abstract management system) must include a column or field with the date and time when the embargo lifts. You can also set an end date and time if you want to stop access to the content. 

Your average computer user is prevented from seeing the content through the app and a prompt appears that informs the user when the content will become available. If your content is highly sensitive, for example if the latest pharmaceutical research study could impact the stock market, then do not import into the system until the day/time when the embargo lifts to import and publish to the app or planner. 

  1. In your media CSV content, add a column with the date time
  2. In the Conference App Builder > Media > Media Data, select your import source for your media items that contain the embargo date times. 
  3. Advance to step 3, Mapping.
  4. Ensure you are mapping your embargo date column to the Start field in EventPilot. Click the dropdown to adjust if necessary. Similarly, if using an end time, map that to the End field in EventPilot.
  5. Pro users: In the Conference App Builder > top right > click on Publish > Publish Proof Data 
  6. Pro users: Open the proof app (access the proof web app or planner from the CMS > Distribution > Testing Links) and navigate to your media item. Test that your embargo is working correctly -- i.e. that you cannot access the content and the date it will become available is correct.