Feature Report

Modified on Thu, 12 Jan, 2023 at 1:59 PM


Features: the name of the feature

Logged-in Users: number of unique logged-in users who used the feature

Average Count per User: *as defined below 

Percentage of total logged-in users: number of unique logged-in users who used the feature / total number unique logged-in users (the portion of your users that used the feature)

Update Frequency:

    Report is updated nightly.


    *Average Count per User:

Schedule = total number of scheduled sessions (among all logged-in users) / number of unique users who scheduled a session 

Bookmarks = total number of bookmarked items (among all logged-in users) / number of unique users who bookmarked an item 

Notes = total number of noted items (among all logged-in users) / number of unique users who noted an item 

Comments = total number of comments / number of unique users who submitted a comment

Credit Flagging = total number of credits flagged / number of unique users who flagged a credit

PPT/PDF/Abstract/Other Media Views - Each media item access is counted once per unique logged-in user per device.

  1. If a media item is under embargo, it is not counted as viewed. 
  2. Repeat views of the same media item on the same device by the same logged in user are not counted. 

Email Reminder - logged-in users who have not requested to unsubscribe from email notifications 

Schedule Export (Native Only) - number of unique users who have exported their schedule from the app at least once on iOS or Android.