How do I set up a ScanHunt game?

Modified on Thu, 26 Oct, 2023 at 4:49 PM

Your game portal is set up! First, if possible, review your Game Setup and steps in this document in a completely separate browser from where you are working in the Conference App Builder. If this is not possible, please be sure you are completely logged out of the Conference App Builder before moving forward with the next set of instructions.  

Log In

  1. Contact your project manager for the correct URL to set up your game portal login.
  2. Once you have the correct URL, do the following:

    • Fill in your username that you use for the Conference App Builder

    • Click Forgot Password?

    • You will receive an email with a link to set up a new password
    • Click this link then MATCH the password you already use for the Conference App Builder Portal Login

  3. Once you have set up your game portal login, request the Customized URL for your Conferences Game Portal
  4. Use the password you created to login to your Game Portal here and bookmark the page

Add Rules

  1. Go to the Customize tab and enter all pertinent information.  

  2. Be sure that Rules URL is HTML that is housed on a website and is not a PDF link.

    • This content may not show up in the game pages for the attendee if not added right away.

Add Activities

  1. Go to the Activities tab and create the individual activities
    Titles should be less than 40 characters and cannot include the colon   ( : ) character

  2. You can include direct links to points from within the app as media item links. 

    1. Create a Media item in the Conference App Builder

    2. To pull the URL to add as a Media item, do the following:

      • Go to the game 

      • Activities 

      • Right-click the URL you can to copy

      • Post in the media item URL in the Conference App Builder

  3. Toggle the Game On when you’re ready to play 

Helpful Tips

  • In the Conference App Builder 

    • Go to the Support Tab

    • Scroll down to Gamification 

    • Review the Overview PDF file

  • We recommend setting up a monitor/screen by the reg desk or another high visibility area and display the public leaderboard to encourage attendee participation

  • Toggle on the game when you are ready to start playing. Note: Points cannot be removed from the game (once someone scans a QR code, they will remain with points in the game)

  • Stagger when you make QR Codes available so that users are not able to scan all at one time