Alert Report

Modified on Tue, 7 Feb, 2023 at 4:38 PM

This report is generated nightly, typically between 1 AM and 5 AM Pacific time. As such, views and clicks for a day's alerts will not appear in the Conference App Builder or in the report until the following morning.

Definitions for analytics provided in <AppName>_AlertReport.csv

  1. Unique User Views - Based on logged-in users (all platforms). Unique User Views count views whether the alert was seen as a pop-up or on home screen. (doesn't double-count same user on same alert ID)
  2. Unique User Clicks - Based on logged-in users (all platforms). Unique User Clicks are counted only if user clicks "OK" on pop-up or clicks on card on home page to see full page view of alert. (doesn't double-count same user on same alert ID)
  3. Unique Click-Through Rate - Percentage of unique users who clicked on an ad banner after viewing it: Unique User Clicks / Unique User Views (all platforms).
  4. Impressions - Non-unique user views based on logged-in users' views in native and web/planner.  They are counted whether seen on the home screen or as a pop-up, regardless of what action is taken on the alert or card.

You can download the Alert Report from the Conference App Builder > Analytics > Alert Reports by selecting the icon to the right-hand side of the page.