How do I use the Online Planner?

Modified on Thu, 12 Jan, 2023 at 12:20 PM

The Online Planner gives you easy access to the entire event program. You can build your personal schedule that syncs automatically with the native app. 

Each planner may look a little different than the sample screenshots below. The features in your particular planner depend on your event organizer's setup.

Browse Sessions

Use the Day selector above the session list to choose specific days. Select a session to see available details for the session or the list of associated abstracts.


Start typing search keywords to quickly find specific sessions. Hover your mouse over the question mark button on the left of the search field for search tips.


Apply available filters by opening the panel on the left. Depending on your specific event program, you could create a filtered view like the following: only abstracts presentation Tuesday mornings with CME credits. 

Use the arrow button the left to hide or show the Filter drawer.

Browse by Speakers

Most event organizers include a Presenters or Speakers tab. Use this tab to search by presenter and see all their associated sessions and abstracts in one single view. If you are logged in, you can bookmark speakers or take notes.

Some event programs contain keywords for speakers you can easily filter by. Open the Filter drawer via the arrow on the top. 

Browse or Search Abstracts/Papers

Your organizer may have included a special tab to quickly access all abstracts and papers directly. With some programs, you may be able to bookmark a paper and add a note. A sharing icon may be available to easily share a link to the paper.

Browse Exhibitors and Sponsors

If your Online Planner contains the exhibitor list, you can browse/search/filter the exhibitors. 


In order to only browse the agenda, you do not need to log in. If you'd like to build your personal schedule, bookmark (star) sessions, or take notes, you must be logged in. 

Follow the specific login instructions for your particular event. After you log in, you can start building your schedule. Your schedule in the Online Planner automatically syncs with the native app.

After login, you do the following:

Add to Schedule

Press the Calendar icon inside a session to add it to your schedule


If there are two concurrent sessions and you are not sure which one to attend, use the bookmark/star icon to bookmark the session. 


You can add notes whenever you see the Note icon in a view. All your notes are automatically 

Export Schedule or Notes

Open the left panel to export your schedule in a variety of formats and your notes as a PDF. The schedule download includes an .ics option which allows you to import your schedule into your calendar program. 

Schedule at a Glance Calendar View

One of the most helpful views is the Schedule tab in the Online Planner. Depending how your organizer has set up this view, you could see a combination of your own personal itinerary plus other sessions and events going on at the meeting. 

The sessions are displayed in manageable blocks to help know if an event is going on where you have gaps in your schedule. 

If you have a gap in your itinerary, select a timeblock in that gap to find available sessions at that time.

Select a session from the list to see details for that session to add to your schedule.

And fill the gap

Additional Features of the Schedule View

Hide/Display Your Schedule

To see the program at a glance, use the Hide My Schedule button, which hides your personal scheduled sessions. 

Add Personal Meetings

If you would like to plan time on your schedule for meetings other than sessions in the program, you can use Add Meeting

Tips and Tricks

Close Panels

Use the x button to close a panel you don't need to see to maximize viewing area for other panels.