How do Session Types' colors appear on the platform?
In certain places in the EventPilot Conference App, the colors of your Session Types appear as a background for white text. In order to create a user friendly event app, you want to choose session type colors that are dark enough for white text to be legible. Click here to test if your background color is dark enough for white text (set the foreground color to white or #FFFFFF and the background color to your desired color code).
Example from a program list view with high contrast background colors for the session types on the left:
A banner of the session type's color appears on the left hand side with the name of the type written in white.
Similarly, the session type appears along the top of the session detail view:
The App Builder ensures that the colors you enter will be dark enough for white text to be read comfortably, following WCAG AA guidelines.
Why is it important to choose rich session type colors?
Ensuring adequate color contrast helps make your content accessible to a wider range of users, including those with visual impairments, color vision deficiencies, or other disabilities. It helps all users quickly and easily read and understand the content.
In addition, some older devices, screens, and browsers may not display colors accurately. High color contrast helps ensure that content remains legible on a variety of platforms.
What tools help me find a user-friendly color?
There are several online tools you could use to assess the contrast of your color pairings. These resources can also assist you in designing other aspects of your app, such as custom views or brand-specific images. Here are a few recommendations:
- Test if your background color is dark enough with the Contrast checker by WebAIM
- Accessible color palette generator by Venngage