How do I add, invite, and manage Q&A Moderators?

Modified on Wed, 2 Oct, 2024 at 10:47 AM

Moderated Q&A is an advanced feature in the EventPilot conference app that allows attendees to submit questions for the Q&A sessions. As the event organizer, you can control moderator access (available in 9.3.5+). 


Add Moderators and Limit to Specific Sessions

If your project includes the Moderated Q&A feature, you can either manually add contacts or use an import source (CSV file). 

Adding Moderators Manually

  1. Log into the the EventPilot Conference App Builder and under Add Ons select Q&A
  2. Under the Moderators tab > click Add Moderator and fill in the email address (only one email per moderator), the first name and the last name
  3. Optionally, Assign Sessions that this moderator is allowed to moderate. Search for the session title and select the session to assign to the moderator. If you leave this field blank, the moderator is able to access all the sessions that are marked for moderation in your agenda data.

Importing Moderators

  1. Create a Google Sheet with the following columns and fill in each row for your moderators:
    1. Contact ID - Create a unique alphanumeric ID for each contact. Ensure that you do not change the ID on consecutive imports. For example, if you are adding John Smith as a moderator and you assign the contact ID 1234, do not change the ID for John Smith on future imports. John Smith must always have ID 1234.
    2. Email - enter the email address for the contact (enter only one email address in this field per moderator)
    3. First - enter the first name of the moderator
    4. Last - enter the last name of the moderator
    5. Sessions - enter the session ID that the contact is allowed to moderate. If one contact is allowed to moderate multiple sessions, enter the list of session IDs comma separated without , for example: TP123-234,TH2354,FR0234-33
  2. Log into the the EventPilot Conference App Builder and under Add Ons select Q&A
  3. Click the Add Import button
  4. In the Source Name enter where your data is coming from e.g. Google Sheet
  5. Import Source Type choose CSV URL if you are using a google sheet or select to upload a CSV if you have just a file. If you use Google Sheets, learn how to access the CSV URL for the worksheet.
  6. Enter the CSV URL or upload the CSV file and click Next
  7. Map your column headers to the fields in EventPilot
    1. For Contact ID, select Contact ID from the drop down
    2. For Email, select Email from the drop down
    3. For First, select First Name from the drop down
    4. For Last, select Last Name from the drop down
    5. For Sessions, select Session ID from the drop down
  8. Click Next
  9. The data should import. If import errors occur, review the errors and correct your spreadsheet. After your correction, click the Import button (FYI: if you use the Google Sheet CSV URL link, your corrections in the worksheet may take a few minutes to propagate into the CSV, so you may want to wait a few minutes before clicking the import button if you continue seeing the import errors after your correction)

How to update moderator contacts? 

If Manually added

  1. Search for the contact you wish to update
  2. Click the Pencil icon to edit

If via CSV URL 

  1. Click the Import All button

If via CSV File Upload

Do not create a new file. Only update your existing file by adding new moderators and upload the same updated file. 

  1. Click the drop down arrow to the right of the Import to open the import card
  2. Click the Pencil icon next to your import source
  3. Follow the steps to upload a new version of your CSV file

Invite Moderators

Each moderator has their own personal login to the moderator panel. This means, moderators will need to receive their personal invitation email. 

Tip before sending invites

Before sending the invites, please let your moderators know to add [email protected] to their contacts list and check with their IT department to make sure that emails from this address are not blocked. 

  1. Log into the the EventPilot Conference App Builder and under Add Ons select Q&A
  2. Select the Setup tab and ensure Enable Portal Access is toggled to ON
  3. Select the Invite tab
  4. Click the Pencil button to edit the invitation email. Include any details your moderators need to know. 
  5. When you are done editing, click the Save button
  6. Click the Preview button to double check your email instructions 
  7. Click the Send Invites button

Moderators must log in within 7 days or the personalized link will expire. In that case,  resend an individual invite as needed. 

Manage Moderators

You can always resend an invitation email or copy the personalized login URL.

  1. Log into the the EventPilot Conference App Builder and under Add Ons select Q&A
  2. Select the Moderators tab
  3. To provide the personalized link:
    1. Email from [email protected]: Click the Email icon to send a new invite link 
    2. You email the link directly: click the Copy icon and paste the link into your own email you are sending to the speaker