How do I invite speakers to upload content? (How do I use the Speaker Portal?)
How can I upload a file for a speaker on their behalf in the speaker portal? How can I visit a speaker's portal page? How do I add Speaker Portal Admins?
How do I import and link the uploaded content from the speaker portal? (virtual poster media import)
How does Simulive work for pre-recorded timed presentation videos?
My speaker is getting an error to contact the organizer upon speaker portal login. How do I re-invite them?
How can I upload a very large file for Simulive?
I want my staff to first review the uploaded content before going live. How should I do that?
Can I rename a media item that was submitted via the speaker portal?
What happens if I delete the media item (Conference App Builder > Media Data) for a speaker portal uploaded file?
If a speaker already uploaded requested content, what happens if I change the session type?