What analytics reports are provided?

Modified on Thu, 20 Mar at 1:29 PM

The Conference App Builder includes an Analytics page with access to a large number of reports. 

Note: Due to privacy requirements, tracking data is limited to logged in users, who have consented to the terms of use and privacy policy. 

Analytics reports are generated up to 3 months after an event (90 days from the last day of your event) generally nightly between 1am-5am Pacific. Reports may stop generating earlier if there is no activity in the project (no user activity of adding or removing sessions from the schedule etc; no data publishes from the CMS) or if the project is deactivated following the end of content hosting.

The CSV file names listed below are for reference. The actual file names after download may contain the download date and your conference ID in the CMS.

Tip for EventPilot Pro Branded App Users

If you upgraded to a branded app, the app is submitted on your iOS developer account and your Google Play account. Both these accounts provide you with extremely detailed download analytics for further analysis. Consult the respective sites and store documentation for further details.   

Tip: For several reports, you can see the date/time the report was last generated by hovering your mouse over the question mark in the top right corner of a card until you see the details appear. Example:



The insights page provides a brief overview over core statistics. Most insight cards have a question mark icon next to the data point or in the top right corner of the card to provide additional information how it was counted. 

A download button indicates that you can download a CSV file of the report for your records. 

Downloads - this is the only report that does not require login. It counts actual app downloads on iOS and Android (by download, not by unique user). Web and Online Planner counts web sessions (Learn more).

CSV download: UsageReport.csv

Columns: Total users, active users last week, total app uses, total hours used, avg session time, splash screen views, iOS device total, iOS phone, iOS tablet, Android device total, Android phone, Android tablet, web version users, planner users, user activities (includes (scheduled, bookmarked, or noted items; comments left; messages sent), scheduled sessions, favorites, notes, comments, messages, total downloads, iOS downloads, Android downloads, web unique devices, planner unique devices

Activity Totals - these numbers focus on onsite events and extrapolate total numbers from tracked data for native devices. 

CSV download: UsageReport.csv (columns see above)

Download Stats - basic comparison between mobile usage. Note: the mobile web app is utilized by the online planner and thereby increases the web app user number. 

CSV download: UsageReport.csv (columns see above)

User Insights - what platform is the average user using, how often, how long, etc. 

CSV download: UsageReport.csv (columns see above)

Search Insights - native app search terms entered in the global search. Check for search terms without results - are your users expecting a specific speaker at your event? Or are they searching for 'WiFi' while you only reference 'Internet" (you can train the search engine during your event to help future searches find results)? Or are users looking for general information you forgot to include (such as "shuttle buses" or "lost and found")?

CSV download: SearchReport.csv 
Columns: Search term, total searches, search results (true if results were found, false no results found)

Leading Users - who are your most active users in the app? If you are planning to receive feedback on technology, this is your group to contact. The download report also includes each users' personal schedule for deeper analysis.

CSV download: UserReport.csv

Columns: Username (based on your authentication method), Scheduled Sessions (comma separated list of IDs), scheduled items (count), bookmarks (count), notes (count), comments (count), messages sent (count), photos uploaded (count), number of sessions rated (count), didn't attend (count), total activities, average rating

Top Networkers - who are the most social users among your attendees? Or do you have someone spamming others with hundreds of messages? 

CSV download: UserReport.csv (columns see above)

Key Contributors - who participates actively in the session chats? 

CSV download: UserReport.csv (columns see above)

Popular Sessions - which sessions were scheduled, bookmarked, or noted the most? Which sessions were the most engaging (they were not only scheduled, but users also took notes or bookmarked)?

CSV download: AgendaReport.csv

Most Rated Sessions - see the session title, the total number of ratings received, and the average rating score. 

CSV download: AgendaReport.csv

Best Speakers - top 5 speakers listed by number of bookmarks, and notes

CSV download: SpeakerReport.csv

Columns: speaker id, last name, first name, bookmarked (count), noted (count)

Top Exhibitors - top 5 exhibitors listed by number of views (unique users), bookmarks, and notes

CSV download: ExhibitorReport.csv

Columns: exhibitor_id, title, type (your exhibitor type data if you set up types like sponsor levels etc.), bookmarked (count), noted (count), viewed (count of unique users who accessed an exhibitor's detail view at least once), num_locations (count of locations in the data e.g. an exhibitor may have two booths), locations (actual booth number)

Usage Reports

Usage reports cover general feature and platform usage statistics. 

Usage Report - user sessions and device statistics  

CSV download: UserReport.csv (columns see above) 

Total logged in users - list of all usernames that have logged into the platform. The username displayed depends on your authentication setup. It could be an SSO token number, the users' email, a membership name, a registration ID, etc.

CSV download: user_export

Columns: username

User Activity Statistics - displays which user used core features of the app (scheduled, bookmarked, or noted items; comments left; messages sent) plus their personal schedule in form of a list of comma separated session IDs.

CSV download: UserReport.csv (columns see above)

Agenda Report - View all key counts for each session (includes hybrid/virtual session counts if set up via EventPilot Zoom API session status button)

CSV download: AgendaReport.csv

Exhibitor List Report -  View all key counts for each exhibitor

CSV download: ExhibitorReport.csv (columns see above)

Media List Report - View all key counts for media items

CSV download: MediaReport.csv

Top 10 Statistics 

Quick view charts that show important top 10s:

  • Top 10 Sessions Scheduled
  • Top 10 Bookmarked Items
  • Top 10 Noted Items

Total Activity by Day - handy chart starting shortly before your event and ending shortly after your event displaying the total number of scheduled, bookmarked, and noted items per day. 

Feature Reports

Feature Statistics - how many users utilized the most important core functionality of the platform: schedule, bookmark, notes, messaging, commenting, credit flagging (add-on feature), media views, email reminder, schedule export (native only)

CSV download: FeatureReport.csv

Columns: feature, users (unique count), average count per user, percentage of total users

CSV download: CommentsReport.csv

Columns: Table (data table where the comment was left, e.g. agenda for a session or custom for a Community Chat), Record ID (the ID where the comment was left, e.g. in the agenda table a record is a session > this column would have session ID where the comment was left), CommentText (the actual comment), UnixTimestamp (the time, in Unix time, that the comment was left)

App Tab Statistics - which app tabs (native apps only) did your users tap?

CSV download: LayoutReport.csv

Columns: image (icon), layout title (your label), total clicks, total unique users, percentage of total users

Planner Tab Statistics - which planner tabs did your users click on?

CSV download: PlannerLayoutReport.csv

Columns: Planner Tab Label, Total clicks, Total unique users, Percentage of total logged-in users

Custom Views - which custom views did your users open?

CSV download: CustomViewsReport.csv

Columns: Custom View (label), Total clicks, Total unique users, Percentage of total users

Maps Reports - which locations did your users want to find on the floor plans? 

CSV download: MapClicksReport.csv

Columns: Location, Map (floor plan image), Venue, Pin Drop Count (total number of times the pin dropped on that location due to a user clicking on a location or searching for a location)

Alert Reports

Alert Messages Report - which of your push notifications had the most impact? This report provides details about your sent notification alerts. 

CSV download: AlertReport.csv

Banner Analytics

Note: A user view refers to the ad(s) loading. It is counted when the widget itself is loaded into a page, regardless if a particular banner is displaying to the user or not. (More information)

Session Ad Analytics - displays statistics for your banner ads that appear above session detail views on all platforms. 

CSV download: AdReport.csv

Columns: type (session banner ad versus widget banner), id (banner id in the system), title, img (image URL), url (destination link), unique user views (logged-in users on all platforms), unique user clicks (logged-in users on all platforms), unique click-through rate (percentage of unique users who clicked on the banner after viewing it: Unique User Clicks / Unique User Views on all platforms), impressions (non-unique user views based on logged-in users' ad views in native and web/planner, session detail view ads only)

Rotating Banner Widget Analytics - displays statistics for your banner ads you added in the rotating banner widget (on the home screens or the custom views).

CSV download: AdReport.csv (columns see above) 

Home Screens

For both, the native app home screen and the desktop planner home screen, the click tracking data is displayed directly in the preview in the CMS > Design > Home Screens.

Before launching your platform live for your attendees, you can delete any data from testing directly on that page by choosing "Delete Tracking Data".

Add-Ons: ScanHunt

The following reports are generated when you access the individual pages that contain the links to the reports. If you had the page open for a while, refresh your browser before downloading one of these reports. 

Note: Deactivated players do not appear in the reports.

Game Report - General game statistics

CSV download: GameReport.csv

Columns: total players, total scans, most scanned item, game winner (player name), game winning score

Activity Reports Package - which player scanned which QR code at what time.

CSV download: GameActivitiesReport.csv

Columns: activity, username, first name, last name, email, scan timestamp

Player Report - provides list of players, their rank, and contact information.

CSV download: GamePlayersReport.csv

Columns: player name, username, userid, first name, last name, email, rank, score, scans

Add-Ons: Surveys

Once users start answering the survey questions, the individual survey download reports become available. 

Sessions - surveys displayed for sessions and sub-sessions with questions related to the session / sub-session

CSV Download: SurveyResults_<your-survey-name>.csv

Columns: confid (internal reference to your project), surveyid (internal reference), userid (internal reference for the respondent), username (based on the authentication setup), email, name (last, first), sessionid (the ID of the session for which the user responded), sessiontitle, speakerid (not filled for session surveys), questionid, question, answer, position (where is this question positioned within the survey - note: the first question has position 0), datetime (when did the user submit the response)

Speakers in Sessions - surveys displayed for sessions and a sub-sessions with questions relating to speaker(s)

CSV Download: SurveyResults_<your-survey-name>.csv

Columns: see above - the only difference is that that the speakerid field is filled

Add-Ons: PosterBridge

PosterBridge Report - displays list of users and which poster they scanned at what time including contact information.

CSV Download: PosterBridge_Report.csv

Columns: SessionID, PosterNumber, PresenterUsername, ScannerUsername (the person that scanned the QR code - username depends on your authentication setup), ScannerEmail, FirstName, Last Name, UserType (if you have implemented targeted content and that user had a user type assigned), ScanDateTime

Add-Ons: Virtual Sessions

If you are using the Zoom API integration, the following reports are available to you and display the latest data set: 

Virtual Sessions Report - details for each session or webinar

CSV Download: VirtualSession_Report.csv

Columns: SessionID, Title, Location, Date, Start, Stop, Type (Webinar, Virtual, Keynote), Live Attendance (pulled from Zoom), Recordings Viewed (unique user clicks on the view recording button), Join URL (attendee join URL), Launch URL (for Webinar hosts), Host Email (which license in your Zoom account was used)

Attendance Report 

CSV Download: VirtualSession_AttendanceReport.csv

Columns: Session ID, Session Title, Username (username depends on your authentication setup), First Name, Last Name, Email, Recording (did the user click the button to watch the recording), Live (did the user click the button to join the live session), Type (Webinar, Virtual, Keynote)

Add-Ons: Speaker Portal

If you are using the speaker portal where speakers are invited to upload content themselves, the following reports are available: 

Speaker Report - details regarding Speaker portal logins, uploads and file statistics.

CSV Download: Speaker.csv

Columns: Speaker ID, Session ID, Session Title, Session Type, First Name, Last Name, Private Email, Speaker Portal URL, Status (invited, reminded, verified), Logged-in Username, Last Updated, Required Items Uploaded (count), Optional Items Uploaded (count), Required Items Requested (count), Optional Items Requested (count)

Uploads Report - each item uploaded and its status

CSV Download: Speaker-Uploads.csv

Columns: uid, Session ID, Speaker ID, Speaker Name (first last), Speaker Email, Title (media item title automatically pulls the related session title), Type (mp4, smp4 (simulive), pdf, xpub (audio+pdf), url), Type Label (the label you created for the requested upload in the speaker portal setup), Requested Duration (for simulive), Uploaded Duration (for simulive), URL, Hosting, Updated (did the speaker update their content) 

Uploaded non-simulive content is displayed as media items in session detail views as well as speaker detail views.

In order to find out which uploaded item was viewed, download the media report via the App Builder > Analytics > Usage Reports.

Add-Ons: Session Status via Spreadsheet

If you are using the Session Status via Spreadsheet add-on, a report is available after your event capturing all clicks. Users must be logged in to access the Session Status and total clicks are counted. Contact your Project Manager to receive the CSV file. 

Session Status Report - total clicks on session status during and after the session.

CSV Download: sessionstatus.csv
Columns: sessionid, title, clicks_during, clicks_after

Add-Ons: Overflow Indicator

If you are using the Overflow Indicator and users have started building their schedule, you can download a CSV report via the App Builder > Analytics > Overflow > click the Generate Report button. 

Sort the sheet on column Overflow Pred descending to see the sessions with the highest likelihood of overflowing on the top of the list. 

Overflow Report - session overflow likelihood for sessions where locations and capacities have been added

CSV Download: <project ID>-<email>-overflow.csv

Columns: Session ID, Title, Session Number, Date, Start Time, End Time, Parent Session (id), Scheduled (how many users have added this session to their schedule already), Location, Capacity, Type (session type), Overflow Pred, Overflow Num