You may see a sidebar message like "# deleted speaker(s), if these speaker(s) uploaded content, their files may still show in the application." This indicates that, since you have opened the speaker portal, you have either
- deleted one or more speakers' data
- modified your requested speaker portal uploads in such a way that one or more speakers no longer have requested materials
If a speaker uploaded a file before this change was made, the file may still appear in the platform.
If such a file is appearing in the platform and must be removed, you can take the following steps:
- Revert the data change
- If you have questions or concerns about resolving this without disrupting other data, please reach out to your project manager.
- Note: A unique speaker must have a unique ID. If a speaker was deleted and cannot be restored with the same ID (e.g. if the speaker had been manually added in our CMS) you can create a speaker record with the same ID using a spreadsheet (more info on setting up an import source using Google Sheets in this article)
- Look up the speaker's unique portal URL (more info in this article)
- Access the speaker's portal and delete the files that should no longer appear