How do I add live virtual sessions or webinars to my app? (tag sessions with Filter4 Keywords)

Modified on Mon, 27 Mar, 2023 at 1:32 PM

The Virtual Sessions module in EventPilot allows you to display a "join virtual session" button in the session detail views on the platform. Only logged in users can access the button. If only users that actually purchased virtual session access are allowed to access this button, we can set that up for you. Please contact your project manager. 

Prepare your Agenda Data

  1. Tag all parent session (not presentation level sessions) with a live virtual component with the keyword in your source data
    1. Use "Virtual" for a virtual session in a Zoom Meeting
    2. Use "Webinar" for a Zoom Webinar
    3. Use "Keynote" for a Zoom Webinar with a large attendee license
  2. For Zoom Meetings, all parent sessions must have a speaker ID associated for the person that will be the host for the meeting.
  3. In the agenda data source import, the filter for virtual sessions and webinars must be mapped to Filter 4 in the system.
    Note: if you are unable to add the keyword Virtual or Webinar using your abstract management system, you can alternatively create a new import source for associated data. In that case, create a CSV file with two columns: Column 1 would contain the session ID and column 2 the keyword you'd want to assign. Example:
    Session ID,Keyword

Prepare your Speaker Data

  1. All moderator and panelists must be linked in the Agenda data with their speaker ID so the system can send emails with details to these speakers
    1. Zoom Webinars: Any speaker IDs associated to the parent AND sub-sessions (presentation level) receive an email from EventPilot and an email from Zoom with their personalized Panelist URL to present in the Webinar. These emails are generated up to 3 days before their talk.
    2. Zoom Meetings:  Any speaker IDs associated to the parent level receive an email from EventPilot to take on the host role in the meeting. There is no email from Zoom for Zoom Meetings.
  2. Ensure that your speaker data source includes the email addresses for your speakers.
  3. In your source import settings, map the email field to the EventPilot field Private Email
  4. Import your updated speaker data

Prepare Zoom Links

If you are using Zoom, contact your project manager at ATIV to learn about the integration options. EventPilot can take care of automatically setting up all virtual sessions and webinars for you. 

Ensure that each parent session has a speaker associated. Only parent sessions should be tagged with one of the keywords for the Zoom generation. 

If you are using a different technology and you want to ensure only logged in users that paid for specific sessions can access the link, contact your project manager at ATIV to learn about setting up a custom session status button for your that checks against your registration system.

Alternatively, you can add the webinar or meeting links as media items at no cost.