At what point in the recording does playback start when I click View Recording?

Modified on Fri, 13 Jan, 2023 at 4:31 PM

After a live Zoom meeting or webinar concludes and the recording is successfully transferred to Vimeo, the button in the session detail view will change from "Join Virtual Session" (or "Join Webinar") to "View Recording."

NOTE: The time it takes for the system to make this change depends on the processing speed in both Zoom and Vimeo.

The recording will contain the full content of the session, including any content recorded during the buffer time set in Add Ons > Virtual Sessions. However, when clicking "View Recording," users will see the playback start at the start time of the session in your data. (In the case where a recording was stopped and then started again, two or more files will appear -- as long as each one was longer than five minutes. Files shorter than that are assumed to have been made in error and not brought over.)

Imagine you have a Webinar that starts at 10am and have chosen a 20 minute early access buffer. Then imagine the Webinar host finished the practice session with all the panelists and clicked the Start Webinar button in Zoom at 9:54am to be ready for attendees to join. If your Zoom settings are such that the recording would start automatically, Zoom will then start recording at 9:54, the moment the host clicked on Start Webinar. This means that the recording contains 6 extra minutes in the beginning before 10am. (As a reminder, at 9:57, the first attendees will be able to join the Webinar. This is the point when the text in the session detail view switches to a button to join -- three minutes before the scheduled session start.)

For a user watching the recording, it is probably not interesting to watch those first 6min or having to drag the playhead and try to find when the session actually started in the video. Therefore, EventPilot automatically jumps the video playhead, in this case, 6 minutes into the playback. However, the user could theoretically slide the playhead to the far left and watch those first 6 minutes as the recorded video file itself is not edited.